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Tootie Conway Named Recipient of the 2023-24 Dorothy Porter Service Award

April 18th, 2024

St. Martin’s Episcopal School is delighted to present this year’s Dorothy Porter Service Award to one of the most dedicated, caring community members in the school’s history. For four decades, Tootie Conway has generously given her time and talents to the betterment of St. Martin’s. She has served as an assistant in pre-k and kindergarten and as a first and third grade teacher. For the past several years, she has served as the first grade assistant teacher. 

“Tootie Conway embodies everything that is St. Martin’s,” said Head of School Whitney Samuel Drennan ’94. “Her dedication to our school and students is inspiring and undeniable. She is a beloved member of the St. Martin’s community, and a most fitting choice for this year’s Dorothy Porter Service Award.”

Mrs. Conway’s many talents, her easy manner, and her patience endear her to students and their families. With a smile on her face, she offers help to anyone who needs it. Tootie and her beloved late husband, Jimmy, raised three children who are St. Martin’s alums. 

As a parent, Tootie was a member of the Mothers’ Club and Booster Club. She hosted events in her home to honor students and fellow faculty members. A skilled seamstress, she sewed the famous pocket skirt for Ms. Janet Russo. After Ms. Janet’s passing, Tootie made a pocket skirt for her grandson, Evan, as he took over the role of “Pocket Boy.” 

Tootie and Jimmy were regular fixtures at St. Martin’s events, cheering on athletic teams and supporting school-sponsored activities, and they continued to do so long after their children graduated. Tootie is still found on the sidelines, in the Chapel, and at theater performances, supporting and encouraging players, singers, and actors to achieve their best. Former students see her in the community and often go out of their way to chat with her about their days at StM and update her on their life accomplishments.

“In the classroom, Tootie has a gift of finding each child’s talent and encouraging them to reach their potential,” said longtime colleague Ashley Woods Bozeman ’85. “She loves being involved with everything StM. Like the Energizer bunny, Tootie Conway keeps going on and on, in love and committed support of her dear St. Martin’s!”

Tootie has a servant heart, always giving to not only the StM community, but also to the greater community. Each year she leads the collection of Mardi Gras beads for ARC and St. Michael’s Special School.

The 2023-24 Dorothy Porter Service Award will be presented during the Alumni Chapel on Friday, May 10 at 9:30 a.m. Tootie will also be recognized at the annual Alumni Spirits Party on Saturday, May 11 at 6 p.m. All alumni and the entire StM community are invited to join St. Martin’s as we honor her. 

The Dorothy Porter Service Award was established in honor of a beloved longtime teacher, who was a part of St. Martin’s from its beginning. Even after her retirement in 1983, Mrs. Porter was actively involved in the school. She exemplified grace, commitment, historical love for the school, and an enduring spirit that is admired by everyone who is a part of St. Martin’s. Mrs. Porter was the inaugural recipient of the award that bears her name. 

With the Dorothy Porter Service Award, St. Martin’s honors Mrs. Porter and her commitment to the school. The award recipient must be an exemplary St. Martin’s citizen who has consistently served the school with time, talent, and treasure and who represents the motto, philosophy, and mission of St. Martin’s: Faith, Scholarship, and Service.

Past recipients of the award are: Dorothy Porter (2002), Jim Marsalis ’62 (2003), Belle Johnson (2004), The Rev. Gedge Gayle (2005), Eileen Beckman (2006), Bill Rosenbaum (2007), Wally Porter ’76 (2008), Janet Russo (2009), The Rev. John Stone Jenkins (2010), Lynn Coatney (2011), Karen Sullivan (2012), Linda Trevino (2013), Marian and Larry Gibbs (2014), Julie Dieth (2015), Warren Lind (2016), Chick McGeehan (2017), Pedro Perez (2018), Donna Lewis (2019), Perry Eastman ’62 (2022), and Diane Greer (2023).

Posted in the categories Community, Faculty and Staff, Mission, StM Traditions.