Board of Trustees

The St. Martin’s Episcopal School Board of Trustees plays a crucial role in guiding and overseeing the operations of school. Comprising a diverse group of dedicated individuals, the Board consists of representatives from various backgrounds, including alumni, parents, community leaders, and professionals with expertise in education, finance, and governance.

Not pictured: Elisabeth (Liz) Martin Armstrong ’78, Barbara Farris ’94, Troy Heytens, Nicole Lambert, and Danny McMyne


Mr. Bruce Parkerson ’75, Chair
Attorney-Partner, Plauché Maselli Parkerson

Mr. J. Kelly Duncan ’72, Vice Chair
Attorney-Partner, Jones Walker

Mr. Michael Broxson '87, Treasurer
CEO, Q32 Bio, Inc.

Mrs. Elisabeth (Liz) Martin Armstrong ’78, Secretary 
Vintner-Owner, Epoch Estate Wines

Mr. Michael F. Nicoladis ’78, Past Chair
Past Chair President, N-Y Associates, Inc.


Ms. Jennifer E. Adams ’92
Attorney-Partner, Deutsch Kerrigan, LLP

Mrs. Laura Akers
Parent, Substitute Teacher

Rev. John David (Jay) Angerer, Jr.
Rector, All Saints’ Episcopal Church, River Ridge

Kate McCall Clarke ’79

Allison J. DeViney ’92
Executive Director, Krewe of Argus

Barbara Farris ’94
Assistant Head Coach, The University of Southern Mississippi

Mr. Troy Heytens
Director, Corporate Planning, Entergy Corporation

Ms. Nicole Lambert
Constant, Former COO, Myriad Genetics

Mr. Christopher Leopold '86

Mr. Danny McMyne
Founder/Owner/President, McMyne Property Management, LLC

Mr. Tyson Shofstahl '84
Attorney-Partner, Adams and Reese LLP

Alicia Vial ’89


The Rt. Rev. Shannon Rogers Duckworth
Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana

The Rev. Dr. Fred D. Devall IV ’87
Rector, St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, Metairie


Mrs. Whitney Samuel Drennan 94
Head of School

Mr. Perry Eastman ’62
Owner, Auto-Chlor Services, Inc.

Criteria for Trustee Recruitment/Selection

Individuals are recruited who have demonstrated professional skills, personal attributes, and moral and ethical values that ensure that the long-term financial health of the school is maintained; that the operation of the school is in close alignment with its mission; and that strategic planning and implementation take place on an ongoing basis to ensure the success of the school.

At least two-thirds of the members of the Board of Trustees must be Episcopalian.  The current Rector of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church and the Bishop of the Diocese of Louisiana also serve as ex-officio members of the Board (with voting rights).  No more than three Episcopal clergy may serve on the Board in any given year.

Individuals are sought with the specific intention of ensuring a diverse Board that reflects all constituencies of the school community.