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George Cottage Three-Year-Old Classes Celebrate Hibernation Day

January 26th, 2024

The George Cottage three-year-old classes have been exploring the season of winter. While exploring the colder months, our Trees classes naturally gravitated toward learning about arctic animals and animals that hibernate in the winter. The exploration culminated in Hibernation Day, an exciting day where they put all that newfound knowledge to use and pretended to be hibernating animals!

The three-year-olds classrooms were transformed into “caves” the students were able to explore by flashlight. Using flashlights was an added learning experience as it sparked curiosity and a chance to discuss the science behind light and shadows. From learning why animals hibernate to how hibernating animal’s heart beats slow down to discovering what blubber is, our Threes loved this exploration of all things winter! 

Posted in the categories Academic Excellence, George Cottage.