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Valedictorian and Salutatorian Reflect on Success

May 20th, 2023

Valedictorian Blake Verdigets and salutatorian Alexis Akers have the first and second-highest rankings in the Class of 2023. Their hard work throughout their academic career is worth noting. Both were selected as members of the National Honor Society. Each is a member of the Cum Laude Society. Blake was a member of the Science Olympiad team and the Quiz Bowl Team. Alexis and Blake both have received awards each year during the Upper School honors program.  

In addition to academic excellence, these two students are noteworthy for the variety of their interests. Each displayed leadership as a representative of the Student Government. Alexis was editor-in-chief of The Halo, StM’s student newspaper. Blake served on the Honor Council. 

Blake and Alexis also had successful athletic careers during Upper School. Blake was a member of the cross country, soccer, and track teams. As a senior Blake was named Most Valuable Track Athlete at the Regional Track meet where he was the region’s champion in 1600m and 800m. The team was District Champions. Alexis was a member of the cheerleading, volleyball, soccer, and softball teams. In 2023 Alexis was named to the 2nd Team All-District for softball. 

In the fall, Blake will attend Tulane University where he received a scholarship. Alexis plans to attend Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina where she was named a James B. Duke Scholar. 

Before they move on to the next phase of their lives, we asked Blake and Alexis to reflect on their time at St. Martin’s. 

What are you most proud of in your academic career thus far?

BV: I'm obviously most proud of being named valedictorian in such a smart class. Besides that, I'd have to go with being named a National Merit Finalist.

AA: Throughout my academic career, I have always strived to do the best I can in all that I do. This motivation has led to me winning a Harvard Book Award and being named a National Merit Finalist. Additionally, I earned a full scholarship to Furman University, which I would have to say wins the top spot in my proudest achievements. 

What is the most important thing you’ve learned during your time at St. Martin’s?

BV: I've learned to manage my time properly. Between sports, clubs, and numerous AP or honors courses, I've had to learn proper time management skills in order to stay on top of everything.

AA: St. Martin’s taught me the importance of balance. At St. Martin’s, we’re given the opportunity to play multiple sports and participate in countless clubs, all while having the help and support we need to succeed academically. I believe that learning to balance all of these things at once has helped prepare me for college and beyond. 

What teacher/faculty member impacted you the most in your time at StM, and how?

BV: Mr. Lind had the greatest impact on me during my time at St. Martin's. He has always been there for me as a teacher and coach, and he has taught me many valuable life lessons through cross country and track.

AA: Although each and every faculty member at St. Martin’s positively impacted my life in some way, two in particular, deserve special mention. The first is Mrs. Klebba, who taught AP English my junior year. Although she was definitely tough, as anyone could tell you, I am not sure that I have ever learned more from any other teacher. Mrs. Klebba saw the true potential in all of us, and she pushed us to our potential, whether we wanted to be pushed or not. I have always loved to write, and I truly believe that she took my writing to the next level. For that, I will always be grateful. The other person I would like to shout out is Mrs. DuSaules. From being the college counselor to my cheer coach to a trusted advisor, she was always there for me whenever I needed her for whatever reason I needed her. Like Mrs. Klebba, Mrs. DuSaules encouraged me to be the best that I can be, especially in moments when I doubted myself. 


Was there an experience at StM that helped you focus on your future goals?

BV: I don't think there is any single experience that helped me to focus on my future goals. I think the community and school as a whole help you in that respect. I see it as part of the identity of St. Martin's because the school is constantly preparing us for the future.

AA: There were certainly multiple experiences at St. Martin’s that gave me the chance to focus on my future goals, but our senior internships definitely helped the most. I interned with Meg Gatto, one of the anchors at Fox 8 News. I am currently undecided on my major and career path, but this process gave me invaluable insight into what a job as a journalist would entail, and it encouraged me to pursue the job area further. 


What is one piece of advice you would give to current StM students?

BV: Get involved. You are only in high school once so make new friends, join clubs, join a sports team, and go support each other. You are going to be connected with your classmates for the rest of your life.

AA: My pieces of advice are these: 1. Get involved. And 2, don’t take anything for granted. When I first came to St. Martin’s, I was terrified and unsure of how to make friends. To solve this problem, I got involved. I joined a few of the sports teams and participated in various clubs, many of which I kept with throughout my four years ,and earned leadership roles. By getting involved, I became friends with my peers, as well as underclassmen, upperclassmen, teachers, and coaches. Additionally, don’t just show up to your own games or activities. Go out and support your friends. Some of my favorite memories in high school were going to my friends’ basketball games, track meets, or concerts. Lastly, appreciate every moment. To me, it seems like freshman year was just a few months ago. It goes by way faster than you think. So make the most out of everything you do and do everything you possibly can. Just have fun.


Posted in the categories Academic Excellence, Alumni.