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Middle School Ends the Year with Awards Ceremony

May 28th, 2023

To end the school year, the Middle School held programs to recognize outstanding students. On Friday, May 26, faculty, students, and families gathered in the Solomon Theater to honor the Class of 2027. Middle School Head Jenny Velasquez and Acting Head of School Father Michael Kuhn each addressed the gathering, congratulating the eighth graders on their accomplishments before the faculty presented awards.

Eighth Grade Awards

The Don Schwartz Dean’s Award was presented to Devyn McManus. This award is presented annually to the student selected by the Head of Middle School who excels academically and displays dedication to St. Martin’s ideals of Faith, Scholarship, and Service.

Cortanay McClelland and Grayson Lambert received Citizenship Awards. These students were selected by their peers for displaying the ideal qualities of a St. Martin’s student.

High Academic Achievement Awards were presented to students who achieved academic excellence throughout the school year. Wendy Sun received an award for maintaining the highest class average. The following students were recognized for maintaining honor roll status throughout the year: Hannah Coe, Mary Alice Comer, Grayson Lambert, Devyn McManus, Eli Patrick, Wendy Sun, and Beibei Zhang. 

Resiliency Awards were given to students from each grade level who don’t let anything stand in the way of their academic journey. They show grit and determination, and aren’t afraid to self-advocate in order to get the job done. The eighth grade winner was Kade Vinju.

Other students were recognized for excellence in specific subjects. 

Bryce Helwig and Sophia Quintero were co-winners of the English 8 Award. 

Devyn McManus and Hannah Coe were co-winners of the Algebra I Award, and Wendy Sun won for Algebra I Honors, with Grayson Lambert receiving Honorable Mention. In Introductory Algebra the winner was Gabrel Savarese. 

The recipient of the Physical Science Honors Award was Mary Alice Comer. The Physical Science Award went to co-winners Bryce Helwig and Kade Vinju. 

Awards were given for social studies. Beibei Zhang was the recipient of the Western Civilization Honors Award. In Western Civilization, Dylan Engles was the winner. Grayson Lambert received the Religion 8 Award. 

Awards for languages were also presented. The French 8 Award winners were Branden Saucier, Sophia Quintero, and Wendy Sun. Beckett Smuck was the recipient of the Spanish 8 Award. Wendy Sun received the Latin 8 Award. The Mandarin 8 Award was given to Devyn McManus. 

The fine arts department presented awards as well. Dylan Engles was the winner of the Theatre Award. The Art Award was given to Kayman Rice. Mary Alice Comer was presented with the Choir Award. 

Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Grade Awards

Prior to the Eighth Grade Recognition Program, the Middle School held an interscholastic awards program to honor fifth, sixth, and seventh grade students. 

Fifth graders Olive Diaz and Claiborne Molaison were recognized with Citizenship Awards. Sixth graders Bay Bowes and Caige Wandfluh and seventh graders Jessie Gaspard and Max LaForge were also recognized with Citizenship Awards.

Departmental awards were given to honor those students who were outstanding in specific subjects. The following students were recognized:


5th - Vivienne Comer (Olive Diaz, honorable mention) 

6th - Bay Bowes

7th - Brittan Comer and Morgan Markey (co-winners)



5th - Preston Swanford (Taylor Hughes, honorable mention) 

6th - Carter Breaux and Evie Dicasali (co-winners)

7th - Eli Verdin

Pre-Algebra - Max LaForge



5th - Dennis Cali (Preston Swanford, honorable mention)

6th - Bay Bowes and Evie Dicasali (co-winners)

7th - Brittan Comer


Social Studies

5th - Meredith Huber (Dennis Cali, honorable mention)

6th - Evie Dicasali (Elise LaVie, honorable mention) 

7th - Marigny Molaison and Max LaForge (co-winners)



5th - Reed Palmisano

6th - Liv Dunn

7th - Jessie Gaspard



7th - Brittan Comer and Jessie Gaspard (co-winners)



5th - Bianca Norris

6th - Christian LaCoste

7th - Max LaForge



5th - Preston Swanford

6th - Drew Rivas

7th - Ben Thompson



5th - Vivienne Comer

6th - Jonah Kulp and Caige Wandfluh (co-winners)

7th - Ellie Garvey



5th - Marco Zapata and Reed Palmisano (co-winners) 

6th - Niko Arai and Liv Dunn (co-winners)

7th - Myles Williams and Marigny Molaison (co-winners)


Visual Arts

5th - Olive Diaz

6th - Elise LaVie

7th - Savannah Hastings



5th - Preston Swanford

6th - Evie Dicasali

7th - Max LaForge

Students who were on the Honor Roll for the entire school year were recognized. In the fifth grade, those students were Dennis Cali, Vivienne Comer, Olive Diaz, Meredith Huber, Matthew Molaison, Bianca Norris, Ryan Rillieux, Leah Silvey, Catherine Spiers, Preston Swanford, Charles Tucker, Avery Vinju, and Marco Zapata. 

In sixth grade, those students were Connor Bordelon, Bay Bowes, Carter Breaux, Eli Campos, Robin Clotworthy, Evelyn Dicasali, Liv Dunn, Beau Gibbs,  Harrison Hill, Jonah Kulp, Christian LaCoste, Elise LaVie, Maddox Lumas, Henry Mancuso, Stephen Ridley, Dalton Rivas, Drew Rivas, Orri Rouse, and Harrison Teske. 

Seventh grade Honor Roll students were Jeanna Chen, Patrick Comer, Jessie Gaspard, Savannah Hastings, William Henderson, Max LaForge, Colin Lawler, Morgan Markey, Eliza Morin, Ella Nieto, Marley Shepherd, and Eli Verdin. 

Resilience Awards were presented as well. In fifth grade, the recipients were Reed Palmisano and Bianca Norris. Sixth grade students honored were Layla Zeitoun and Carter Breaux. Marigny Molaison was recognized in seventh grade. 


Posted in the category Academic Excellence.