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St. Martin’s Earns Gold Recognition in AP School Honor Roll

October 11th, 2023

St. Martin's is pleased to announce we have been recognized as a Gold member of the 2023 AP School Honor Roll! 

Schools can earn the Honor Roll recognition annually based on their ability to: increase their school’s college-going culture, to provide opportunities for students to earn college credit, and maximize college readiness. The AP School Honor Roll offers four levels of distinction: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

St. Martin's had 67% of seniors who took at least one AP exam during high school (Gold level score), 49% of seniors scoring a three or higher on at least one AP exam (Gold level score), and 33% of seniors who took five or more AP exams (Platinum level score)! As part of its program of study, StM Upper School students may choose from 21 AP courses offered.

Additionally, St. Martin’s was recognized with the AP Access Award for providing all students the chance to participate in AP, including students of underrepresented populations.

St. Martin’s Upper School program reflects the school's mission to “prepare students to thrive in college and in life through Faith, Scholarship, and Service.” To live up to this mission, our Four-Dimensional Academic Framework provides a challenging, student-centered  curriculum anchored in relevant connections to real world experiences and challenges. 

This framework ensures that a St. Martin’s education – even in a world as volatile and uncertain as ours appears to be – provides a solid bridge founded upon academic traditions that allows students to move competently and confidently into their futures. With equal priority given to all four learning dimensions – the knowledge dimension, skills development, social-emotional learning, and meta-learning, St. Martin’s Upper School prepares students to be future learners - to transfer and apply learning to situations that we cannot always anticipate.

Students select from an extensive catalog of electives as well as honors and 21 Advanced Placement courses. St. Martin’s challenging Upper School curriculum is enhanced by a grade-level integrated service learning program, extracurriculars, weekly chapel services, cultural enrichment activities, and servant-leadership opportunities.

College Board’s Advanced Placement® Program (AP®) enables students to pursue college-level studies—with the opportunity to earn college credit, advanced placement, or both—while still in high school. Through AP courses in 38 subjects, each culminating in a challenging exam, students learn to think critically, construct solid arguments, and see many sides of an issue—skills that prepare them for college and beyond. Taking AP courses demonstrates to college admissions officers that students have sought the most challenging curriculum available to them, and research indicates that students who score a 3 or higher on an AP Exam typically experience greater academic success in college and are more likely to earn a college degree than non-AP students.


Posted in the categories Academic Excellence, Mission, Upper School.