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Students Explore Dance Through New Course Offering

December 15th, 2023

On the expansive stage of the Solomon Theater, several Upper School students are working together to choreograph a dance. Each student takes turns suggesting an 8-count dance move. The group then turns each of the individual moves into one fluid piece of choreography set to music. It’s just one skill the group is honing as part of an introductory dance course that’s being offered to Upper School students for the first time. 

Theater Director Lynne Bordelon, who teaches the class, says the course is a great way for students to emphasize creative expression and collaborate with their peers. Meanwhile, students report that the class is giving them a new perspective on the technique, skill, and physicality of dance, as well as introducing them to fellow Saints they hadn’t met before.

“We have a variety of skill levels in the class, which has been fun to be a part of,” said senior Lainey Dobson. “I’ve been dancing since I was little, so I’ve enjoyed being able to bring that into school.”

The course explores the fundamentals of dance through four major genres: ballet, tap, jazz, and musical theatre. As students rotate through the genres, they study the dance style, history, and techniques. Through a combination of in-class instruction and rehearsal, students gain an understanding of how to execute basic movements, develop their coordination, and improve their physical fitness.

“I’ve been surprised by how intense dance is,” junior Oli Lyons said. “This class has opened my eyes to how much skill and technique – and practice – is required to get it right.”

As students progressed through the course, they not only learned about the art of dance, but about themselves. 

“I quit dancing about two years ago, and this class is my first time back,” said junior Mariana Penton. “I can be shy. This class has helped me come out of my shell a little bit.”

Whether they’re looking to hone existing skills or learn something new, it seems all of the students involved have gained a lot from the class.

“I have always wanted to explore tap dance, so I knew if tap was ever offered, I would absolutely take it,” said senior Charles Patrick. 

A lifelong dancer and choreographer, Bordelon teaches Middle School and Upper School theatre classes, along with the Upper School Dance class. 

Bordelon is no stranger to dance and theatre, having served as the Director of Youth Programs for Jefferson Performing Arts Society for 20 years and choreographed the Ambie Award-winning CATS. With Bordelon at the helm, the JPAS Theatre Kids Competition Team consistently won top honors at national theatre competitions. In 2011, she was one of six educators nationwide awarded the Freddie G Teaching Award. In 2018, Young Performers of America named her the Outstanding Teacher of the Year. She has been a master teacher at Texas Thespian Conference for two years and at the 2023 Louisiana Jr. Thespian Conference in its inaugural year.