View DetailsGC / LS Open House
08:00AM - 10:00AM CST
Breakout Room, Chapel Cottage Room 1, Chapel Cottage Room 2, Computer Room, Cottage Three's, Courtyard, Dining Area, Dining Hall, Green Acres Parking Lot, Gym Parking Lot, Haring Parking Lot, Infants Cottage, Lawn, Library, Lower School Carpool, LS 20, LS Back Playground & Basketball Court, LS Quad, LS1, LS10, LS13, LS14, LS15, LS16, LS17, LS18, LS19, LS2, LS21, LS22, LS23, LS24, LS25, LS26, LS27, LS29, LS31, LS34, LS36, LS4, LS40, LS41, LS6, LS7, LS8, LS9, Main Chapel, Meeting Room, Saints Hall Lobby, Solomon Theater, Tech Person, and Two's Cottage (CID, Dan and Frances White Chapel, Dining Hall, George Cottage, Lower School, Parking Lot, Saints Hall, and Solomon Theater)